1st AI-MAN Workshop
XMANAI was represented by our project coordinator, Michele Sesana and technical coordinator, Fenareti Lampathaki in the first series of ICT-38 Projects Cluster (AI-MAN) workshops on Friday, May 7th 2021. It was organised by our brother project, the STAR project (star-ai.eu).
Nine projects funded under the ICT-38-2020 Call focus on integrating state-of-the-art AI technologies in the manufacturing domain. The AI-MAN cluster, in which the projects joined their forces supported by EFFRA and the Connected Factories project (www.effra.eu/connectedfactories), aims at exploiting synergies between the projects and increasing their impact.
This first workshop aimed to make the participants aware of each project’s objectives, activities and technologies that are being developed and to further expand the potential areas of collaboration. The next steps include, among other, making full use of the mutual communication and dissemination actions, participating in joint events, to organise a series of joint open/public workshops, collaborating in production and sharing the AI assets, joint publications and common standardization activities. A specific shared space for the cluster is also envisaged and the work for its implementation is already under way.