XMANAI partner spotlight – Whirlpool


Name: Enrica Bosani
Job title: Manufacturing R&D manager
Organization: Whirlpool management EMEA
Bio: Enrica Bosani, electronic engineer in Whirlpool since 1994, started her careers in the factory automation supporting shop floor monitoring and control systems deployment in EMEA factories.

Overview requirements

To ensure that the XMANAI Platform meets the requirements of the different stakeholders (Data Scientist, Data Engineer and Business Expert) an agile methodology is implemented for requirements elicitation, promoting interactive sessions with the XMANAI partners.

XMANAI partner spotlight – Athena Research Center

Name: Theodore Dalamagas

Job title: Research Director

Organization: Athena Research Center

Bio: Theodore Dalamagas is Research Director, Vice Director of Information Management Systems Institute at Athena Research Center, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Symbiolabs (spinoff of Athena R.C.).

Industrial Assets Provenance in XMANAI

The provenance of data is of high relevance due to the massive increase of data generated these days. Provenance not only plays a proper role for the web and its data, but the topic has also arrived at the analogue world.

XMANAI partner spotlight – Innovalia Association

Innovalia Association

Name: Óscar Lázaro
Job title: Managing Director
Organization: Innovalia Association
Bio: Dr. Oscar Lazaro is the Managing Director of Innovalia Association. Dr Oscar Lazaro has more than 15 years of experience in the ICT field and is leading research and product development activities of Innovalia for Smart Cities and Factories of the Future domains.

The Draft Catalogue of XMANAI XAI Models

Glass box model

A draft selection of Hybrid XAI models, able to address concrete manufacturing use cases, will populate the XMANAI Models Catalogue as an integral part of the XMANAI platform. Following the Explainable AI paradigm that lies in the core of the project, “black box” models are transformed into “glass box” solutions via coupling to additional explainability layers.

XMANAI´s Evaluation Framework


XMANAI has just finalised its Evaluation Framework to measure the impact that the XMANAI platform will have on the demonstrators! The assessment will be completed at the end of the project to evaluate the platform from a technical and business perspective, measuring how the production and decision-making processes evolved.

XMANAI partner spotlight – Suite5

XMANAI partner spotlight_Suite5

Name: Dr. Fenareti Lampathaki
Job title: Technical Director
Organization: Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions Limited
Bio: Fenareti Lampathaki (female) holds a Ph.D. Degree and a Diploma – M.Eng. Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Spec.: Computer Science) from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and M. Sc. Degree in Techno-Economics (M.B.A.).

XMANAI Reference Architecture: Perspectives

Thumbnail XMANAI

The XMANAI reference architecture aims at providing the basis for the detailed specification, development and integration activities of the overall XMANAI platform along its Data and AI related Services Bundles, its XAI Algoritmms and Models Catalogue, and the different Manufacturing Apps.

Security Aspects of Industrial Data Management

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In the new digital world where tremendous amount of information is generated from the increasing number of data sources, the emerging need for security and privacy techniques, methods and solutions has been raised.

XMANAI partner spotlight – AiDEAS

AiDEAS partner spotlight

Name: Dr Serafeim Moustakidis
Job title: Co-founder / CTO
Organization: AiDEAS
Bio: Dr Serafeim Moustakidis has wide experience in computational intelligence, machine learning and data processing with more than 12 years of research experience in various fields.

What is the XMANAI Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?


In XMANAI, the exploration of the Explainable AI landscape, the analysis of the business requirements from its 4 demonstrators and the elicitation of the technical requirements have culminated with the definition of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

XAI in Manufacturing

XMANAI Thumbnail

The implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the manufacturing domain enables higher production efficiency, and outstanding performance.

Data Asset Management in XMANAI

The management of assets in XMANAI should meet a number of critical requirements. One of them is the explainability of data, since Explainable AI is the main objective in the project.

XMANAI partner spotlight – Tyris AI

Tyris AI

Name: Dr. David Monzo
Job Title: Director of AI
Organization: Tyris AI:
Bio: Dr. David Monzo is the technical director and main investigator at Tyris AI.