Technical and Socio-Business assessments of AI Maturity in pilots of Explainable AI

Technical and Socio-Business assessments of AI Maturity in pilots of Explainable AI The EU-funded XMANAI project focuses on Explainable AI, as the ability to make machine decision-making processes understandable; Explainability has proven to be a key element in stimulating the adoption of AI in various areas because it provides transparent and understandable information about algorithmic […]

XMANAI partner spotlight – UNIMETRIK


Name: Aitor San Vicente
Job title: General Manager
Organization: UNIMETRIK
Bio: Expert in advanced industrial metrology services, Aitor has extensive experience both in the field of advanced manufacturing processes, mainly in the die-cutting and stamping sector, and in the development of quality control and digitalization solutions and strategies.

XMANAI platform – Alpha release available

XMANAI platform – Alpha release available We are happy to announce that the XMANAI platform – Alpha release is now available. This is the first public release and provides the basis for the implementation and delivery of the upcoming versions of the XMANAI platform. In accordance with the XMANAI Description of Action, two additional releases […]

AI Algorithms Lifecycle Management and Collaboration

Thumbnail_AI Algorithms Lifecycle Management and Collaboration

In XMANAI we have set out to develop robust and insightful AI pipelines that can assist manufacturers in their everyday operations and decision-making processes. To achieve our goal, we are creating a collaborative environment in which the explainability of the ML models’ decisions lies at the heart of our AI pipelines design, development and roll out. Needless to say, in order for these AI pipelines to be properly configured, trained, evaluated, deployed and applied, constantly monitored, assessed and refined as needed, numerous other processes need to be in place. 

4th Newsletter

4th Newsletter This month it was launched the 4th XMANAI newsletter. Please, check it out! December 28, 2022

XMANAI partner spotlight – Knowledgebiz

Name: Carlos Agostinho
Job title: Dissemination Manager and Company Responsible
Organization: Knowledgebiz, Lda
Bio: Carlos Agostinho is a senior researcher at UNINOVA ( and a digital transformation expert.

XMANAI partner spotlight – UBITECH

Name: Konstantinos Perakis
Job title: Head of Data Science and Analytics R&D Unit
Organization: UBITECH
Bio: Dr. Konstantinos Perakis was born in Athens, Greece in 1979. He received his diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in October 2003.

A First Glimpse into the XMANAI platform

The first official release of the XMANAI Platform, namely Alpha Version, has been successfully delivered for early assessment by the XMANAI stakeholders on July 2022 (M21) as planned.

6th XMANAI´s General Assembly

XMANAI´s General Assembly in Limassol

6th XMANAI´s General Assembly At the end of September, XMANAI has a hybrid General Assembly at Limassol hosted by Suite5.  In this meeting, each partner showed how are the developments of the project and it was made some action lists with the next steps.

XMANAI partner spotlight – Whirlpool


Name: Enrica Bosani
Job title: Manufacturing R&D manager
Organization: Whirlpool management EMEA
Bio: Enrica Bosani, electronic engineer in Whirlpool since 1994, started her careers in the factory automation supporting shop floor monitoring and control systems deployment in EMEA factories.

Overview requirements

To ensure that the XMANAI Platform meets the requirements of the different stakeholders (Data Scientist, Data Engineer and Business Expert) an agile methodology is implemented for requirements elicitation, promoting interactive sessions with the XMANAI partners.

XMANAI partner spotlight – Athena Research Center

Name: Theodore Dalamagas

Job title: Research Director

Organization: Athena Research Center

Bio: Theodore Dalamagas is Research Director, Vice Director of Information Management Systems Institute at Athena Research Center, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Symbiolabs (spinoff of Athena R.C.).

Industrial Assets Provenance in XMANAI

The provenance of data is of high relevance due to the massive increase of data generated these days. Provenance not only plays a proper role for the web and its data, but the topic has also arrived at the analogue world.

3rd Newsletter


3rd Newsletter XMANAI has a 3rd Newsletter. Please, check it out!  July 31, 2022