Name: Carlos Agostinho Job title: Dissemination Manager and Company Responsible Organization: Knowledgebiz, Lda Bio: Carlos Agostinho is a senior researcher at UNINOVA ( and a digital transformation expert.

Name: Konstantinos Perakis Job title: Head of Data Science and Analytics R&D Unit Organization: UBITECH Bio: Dr. Konstantinos Perakis was born in Athens, Greece in 1979. He received his diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in October 2003.

The first official release of the XMANAI Platform, namely Alpha Version, has been successfully delivered for early assessment by the XMANAI stakeholders on July 2022 (M21) as planned.

Name: Enrica Bosani Job title: Manufacturing R&D manager Organization: Whirlpool management EMEA Bio: Enrica Bosani, electronic engineer in Whirlpool since 1994, started her careers in the factory automation supporting shop floor monitoring and control systems deployment in EMEA factories.

Overview requirements

To ensure that the XMANAI Platform meets the requirements of the different stakeholders (Data Scientist, Data Engineer and Business Expert) an agile methodology is implemented for requirements elicitation, promoting interactive sessions with the XMANAI partners.

Name: Theodore Dalamagas Job title: Research Director Organization: Athena Research Center Bio: Theodore Dalamagas is Research Director, Vice Director of Information Management Systems Institute at Athena Research Center, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Symbiolabs (spinoff of Athena R.C.).
